Area 4. 新能源系统中人的因素
标题 | 年份 | 描述 | 下载 | 引用 |
The Five Key Questions in Human Performance Modeling | 2018 | 人的绩效建模中的五个关键问题,本文介绍了人的绩效建模的关键知识和发展前景 | [PDF] | Wu, C.* (2018) The Five Key Questions in Human Performance Modeling, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics , 63, 3-6. |
Queuing Network Modeling of Psychological Refractory Period (PRP) | 2008 | 典型双任务的排队网络建模 | [PDF] | Wu, C.* , and Liu, Y. (2008) Queuing Network Modeling of Psychological Refractory Period (PRP), Psychological Review [Impact Factor: 8.83], 115 (4), 913-954 |
Queuing Network Modeling of Transcription Typing | 2008 | 输入任务的排队网络建模 | [PDF] | Wu, C.* , and Liu, Y. (2008) Queuing Network Modeling of Transcription Typing, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 15 (1), 6:1-45 |
Queuing Network Modeling of a Real-time Psychophysiological Index of Mental Workload---P300 in Event-Related Potential (ERP) | 2008 | 工作负荷的脑电指标(事件相关电位P300)的排队网络建模 | [PDF] | Wu, C.* , Liu, Y. and Walsh, C. (2008) Queuing Network Modeling of a Real-time Psychophysiological Index of Mental Workload---P300 in Event-Related Potential (ERP), IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (Part A), 38 (5), 1068-1083 |
Queuing Network Modeling of Driver Workload and Performance | 2007 | 驾驶员工作负荷与绩效的排队网络建模 | [PDF] | Wu, C.* , and Liu, Y. (2007) Queuing Network Modeling of Driver Workload and Performance, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol 8 (3), 528-537 |
Development of an Adaptive Workload Management System using Queueing Network-Model of Human Processor | 2008 | 基于人的信息加工排队网络模型的自适应工作负荷管理系统的开发 | [PDF] | Wu, C.* , Tsimhoni, O., and Liu, Y. (2008) Development of an Adaptive Workload Management System using Queueing Network-Model of Human Processor, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 9 (3), 463-475 |
Application of Scheduling Methods in Designing Multimodal In-vehicle Systems | 2008 | 调度方法在多模式车载系统设计中的应用 | [PDF] | Wu, C.* , Tsimhoni, O., and Liu, Y. (2008) Application of Scheduling Methods in Designing Multimodal In-vehicle Systems, SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars-Electronic and Electrical Systems, 2008 (1), 202-210 |
A Human-in-the-loop Wireless Warning Message Notification Model and Its Application in Connected Vehicle Systems | 2016 | 车联网系统中人对语音告警的反应行为模型 | [PDF] | Zhang, Y., Wu, C*., and Wan, J (2016) A Human-in-the-loop Wireless Warning Message Notification Model and Its Application in Connected Vehicle Systems, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21(2), 148-166 |
Mathematical Modeling of the Effects of Speech Warnings Characteristics on Human Performance and Its Application in Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems | 2016 | 语音告警特征对人的行为数学建模及其在交通物联网系统中的应用 | [PDF] | Zhang, Y., Wu, C*., and Wan, J (2016) Mathematical Modeling of the Effects of Speech Warnings Characteristics on Human Performance and Its Application in Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17(11), 3062-3074 |
Development and Validation of a Model to Predict Blood Alcohol Concentrations: Updating the NHTSA Equation | 2017 | 预测血液中酒精浓度的模型开发与验证:更新NHTSA方程 | [PDF] | Zhang, Y., Wu, C*., and Wan, J. (2017) Development and Validation of a Model to Predict Blood Alcohol Concentrations: Updating the NHTSA Equation, Addictive Behaviors, 71, 46 |
Integrating Human Behavior Modeling and Data Mining Techniques to Predict Human Errors in Numerical Typing | 2017 | 集成人类行为建模和数据挖掘技术来预测人为错误 | [PDF] | Lin, C., Wu, C.* Chaovalitwongse, W. (2017) Integrating Human Behavior Modeling and Data Mining Techniques to Predict Human Errors in Numerical Typing, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 5(1), 39-50 |
Mathematical Modeling of the Human Cognitive System in Two Serial Processing Stages with its Applications In Adaptive Workload-Management Systems | 2011 | 人类认知系统两个连续处理阶段的数学建模及其在自适应工作负荷管理系统中的应用 | [PDF] | Lin, B., Wu, C.* (2011) Mathematical Modeling of the Human Cognitive System in Two Serial Processing Stages with its Applications In Adaptive Workload-Management Systems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol 12 (1), 221-231 |
A Queuing Model-based Intelligent Human-Machine Task Allocator | 2012 | 一种基于排队模型的智能人工任务分配器 | [PDF] | Wu, C.*, Liu, Yijun, and Lin, B. (2012) A Queuing Model-based Intelligent Human-Machine Task Allocator, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System |
Modeling Traffic Control Agency Decision Behavior for Multi-modal Manual Signal Control under Event Occurrences | 2015 | 事件发生下交通控制机构对多模态人工信号控制的决策行为建模 | [PDF] | Ding, N., He, Q., Wu, C., Fetzer, J. (2015) Modeling Traffic Control Agency Decision Behavior for Multi-modal Manual Signal Control under Event Occurrences, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16(5), 2467-2478 |
Cognitive Psychological Process and Model of Pedestrian Road Crossing Behavior | 2013 | 行人过街行为的认知心理过程与模型 | [PDF] | Wu, C., Ma, S., Zhuang, X., (2013) Cognitive Psychological Process and Model of Pedestrian Road Crossing Behavior, Advances in Psychological Science, Issue (7), 1141-1149 |
Mathematical Modeling the Effects of Pacing, Finger Strategies and Urgency on Numerical Typing Performance with Queuing Network Model Human Processor | 2012 | 用人的信息加工排队网络模型数学建模节奏、手指策略和紧迫性对数字打字绩效的影响 | [PDF] | Lin, C., Wu, C.* (2012) Mathematical Modeling the Effects of Pacing, Finger Strategies and Urgency on Numerical Typing Performance with Queuing Network Model Human Processor, Ergonomics, 55(10),1180-1204 |
A Mathematical Model for the Prediction of Speeding with its Validation | 2013 | 车速预测的数学模型及其验证 | [PDF] | Zhao, G., Wu, C.*, and Qiao, C. (2013) A Mathematical Model for the Prediction of Speeding with its Validation, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems |
Modeling Pedestrian Crossing Paths at Unmarked Roadway | 2013 | 在非斑马线道路区域行人过街的建模 | [PDF] | Zhuang, X. and Wu, C.* (2013) Modeling Pedestrian Crossing Paths at Unmarked Roadway, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 14(3), 1438-1448 |
Mathematical Modeling of Driver Speed Control with Individual Differences | 2013 | 具有个体差异的驾驶员速度控制的数学建模 | [PDF] | Zhao, G., and Wu, C.* (2013) Mathematical Modeling of Driver Speed Control with Individual Differences, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (Part A), 43(5), 1091-1104 |
A New Software Tool for Modeling Human Performance and Mental Workload | 2007 | 一种新的模拟人的行为和工作负荷的软件工具 | [PDF] | Wu, C.* , and Liu, Y. (2007) A New Software Tool for Modeling Human Performance and Mental Workload, Ergonomics in Design, vol 15 (2), 8-14 |
Development and Evaluation of an Ergonomic Software Package for Predicting Multiple-Task Human Performance and Mental Workload in Human-Machine Interface Design and Evaluation | 2009 | 预测人机界面设计与评价中多任务人的绩效与工作负荷的工效学软件包开发与评价 | [PDF] | Wu, C.* , and Liu, Y. (2009) Development and Evaluation of an Ergonomic Software Package for Predicting Multiple-Task Human Performance and Mental Workload in Human-Machine Interface Design and Evaluation, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56(1), 323-333 |
Computational neuroergonomics | 2012 | 计算神经工效学 | [PDF] | Liu, Y., Wu, C. and Berman, M. (2012). Computational neuroergonomics, NeuroImage, vol 59 (1), 109-116 |
A Computational Cognition Model of Perception, Memory, and Judgment | 2014 | 感知,记忆和判断的计算认知模型 | [PDF] | Fu, X., Cai, L., Liu, Y., Jia, J., Chen, W., Yi, Z., Zhao, G., Liu, Y., Wu, C. (2014) A Computational Cognition Model of Perception, Memory, and Judgment, Science China (Information Sciences), Volume 57, Issue 3, 1-15 |
Human Performance Modeling in Spatial Segmentation Chinese Handwriting Recognizer | 2003 | 基于空间分割的手写输入系统的用户绩效模型 | [PDF] | Wu, C.* , Li, H., Yang, Q., and Zhang, K. (2003) Human Performance Modeling in Spatial Segmentation Chinese Handwriting Recognizer, Acta Psychologica Sinica, vol 35(6), 767-776 |
标题 | 年份 | 描述 | 下载 | 引用 |
Cross or Wait? Pedestrian decision making during clearance phase at signalized intersections | 2018 | 穿越还是等待?十字路口人行横道绿灯闪烁阶段的行人决策 | [PDF] | Zhuang, X., Wu, C., Ma, S. (2018) Cross or Wait? Pedestrian decision making during clearance phase at signalized intersections, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 111, 115-214 |
An investigation of perceived vehicle speed from a driver's perspective | 2017 | 基于驾驶员视角的感知车速调查 | [PDF] | Wu, C, Yu, D., Doherty, A, Zhang, T., Kust, L., Gang, L. (2017) An investigation of perceived vehicle speed from a driver's perspective, PLOS One, 11 pages |
The Effects of Lead Time of Take-Over Request and Non-Driving Tasks on Taking-Over Control of Automated Vehicles | 2018 | 接管请求前置时间与非驾驶任务对自动化车辆接管控制的影响 | [PDF] | Wan, J., Wu, C.* (2018) The Effects of Lead Time of Take-Over Request and Non-Driving Tasks on Taking-Over Control of Automated Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, Accepted on Nov 19 2017 |
Effects of Flare Operation on Landing Safety: A Study Based on ANOVA of Real Flight Data | 2018 | Flare操作对着陆安全的影响:基于真实飞行数据方差分析的研究 | [PDF] | Wang, L., Yong, R., Wu, C. (2018) Effects of Flare Operation on Landing Safety: A Study Based on ANOVA of Real Flight Data, Safety Science, 102, 14-25 |
Display of Required Crossing Speed Improves Pedestrian Judgment of Crossing Possibility At Clearance Phase | 2018 | 显示所需的穿越速度可改善行人在绿灯闪烁阶段对穿越可能性的判断 | [PDF] | Zhuang, X., Wu, C (2018) Display of Required Crossing Speed Improves Pedestrian Judgment of Crossing Possibility At Clearance Phase, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 112, 15-20 |
The Effects of Vibration Patterns of Take-Over Request and Non-Driving Tasks on Taking-Over Control of Automated Vehicles | 2018 | 接管请求的振动模式和非驾驶任务对自动化车辆接管控制的影响 | [PDF] | Wan, J., Wu, C.* (2018) The Effects of Vibration Patterns of Take-Over Request and Non-Driving Tasks on Taking-Over Control of Automated Vehicles, International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 34, 987-998 |
Drinking and Driving Behavior at Stop Signs and Red Lights, Accident Analysis & Prevention | 2017 | 停车标志和红灯处的酒后驾驶行为 | [PDF] | Wan, J., Wu, C.*, Zhang, Y. (2017) Drinking and Driving Behavior at Stop Signs and Red Lights, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 104, 10-17 (Impact Factor: 1.867; 5-year IF: 2.367) |
Effects of Lead Time of Verbal Collision Warning Messages on Driving Behavior in Connected Vehicle Settings | 2016 | 语音碰撞告警消息的前置时间对驾驶行为的影响 | [PDF] | Wan, J., Wu, C*., Zhang, Y. (2016) Effects of Lead Time of Verbal Collision Warning Messages on Driving Behavior in Connected Vehicle Settings, Journal of Safety Research, 8, 89-98 |
Addressing the Safety of Transportation Cyber-physical systems (CPS): Development and Validation of a Verbal Warning Utility Scale (VWUS) for Intelligent Transportation Systems | 2015 | 解决交通网络物理系统(CPS)的安全性:智能交通系统语音告警效用量表(VWUS)的开发和验证 | [PDF] | Zhang, Y., Wu, C, Qiao, C., Sadek, A., Hulme, K.(2015) Addressing the Safety of Transportation Cyber-physical systems (CPS): Development and Validation of a Verbal Warning Utility Scale (VWUS) for Intelligent Transportation Systems. Special Issue of Cyber-Physical Systems in Manufacturing and Service Systems, in the Journal of Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015(18), 1-13 |
Psychometric Examination and Validation of the Aggressive Driving Scale (ADS) | 2014 | 攻击性驾驶量表的心理测量学检验与验证 | [PDF] | Zhang, Y., Houston, R., Wu, C., (2014) Psychometric Examination and Validation of the Aggressive Driving Scale (ADS). Aggressive Behavior, 8(1), 2131-2135 |
Performance Measures of Manual Multimodal Traffic Signal Control | 2014 | 人工多模式交通信号控制的绩效测量 | [PDF] | Ding, N, He, Q, and Wu, C. (2014) Performance Measures of Manual Multimodal Traffic Signal Control, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2438(2438), 55-63 |
Factors Contributing to Hit-and-Run Crashes in China | 2014 | 中国肇事逃逸事故的成因分析 | [PDF] | Zhang, G., Li, G, Caic, T., Bishaid, D., Wu, C*, Chanf, Z. (2014) Factors Contributing to Hit-and-Run Crashes in China, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, 23, 113-124 |
Pedestrian Gestures Increase Driver Yielding at Uncontrolled Mid-block Road Crossings | 2014 | 设计新的行人手势来提高机动车让行概率 | [PDF] | Zhuang, X. and Wu, C*(2014) Pedestrian Gestures Increase Driver Yielding at Uncontrolled Mid-block Road Crossings Accident Analysis & Prevention, 70, 235-244 |
Simulation Based Testing and Evaluation Tools for Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems | 2015 | 基于仿真的交通网络物理系统测试和评估工具 | [PDF] | Hou, Y., Zhao, Y., Wagh, A., Zhang, L., Qiao, C., Hulme, K., Wu, C., Sadek, A., and Liu, X (2015) Simulation Based Testing and Evaluation Tools for Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology |
The Estimation of Vehicle Speed and Stopping Distance by Pedestrians Crossing Streets in a Naturalistic Traffic Environment | 2015 | 自然交通环境下行人过马路的车速和停车距离的估算 | [PDF] | Sun, R., Zhuang, X., Wu, C.* (2015) The Estimation of Vehicle Speed and Stopping Distance by Pedestrians Crossing Streets in a Naturalistic Traffic Environment, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 30, 97-106 |
Pilot Operating Characteristics Analysis of Long Landing based on Flight QAR Data | 2013 | 基于飞行QAR数据的远程着陆的飞行员操作特性分析 | [PDF] | Wang, L, Wu, C, Sun, R.. (2013). Pilot Operating Characteristics Analysis of Long Landing based on Flight QAR Data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, V(8020), 157-166 |
An Analysis of Hard Landing Incidents Based on Flight QAR Data | 2014 | 基于飞行QAR数据的硬着陆风险定量评估模型 | [PDF] | Wang, L., Sun, R, Wu, C., Cui, Z., Lu, Z (2014) An Analysis of Hard Landing Incidents Based on Flight QAR Data, China Safety Science Journal, 2014 (2), 88-92 |
From Trees to Forest: Relational Complexity Network and Workload of Air Traffic Controllers | 2015 | 从树木到森林:关系复杂性网络和空中交通管制员的工作量 | [PDF] | Zhang, J., Yang, J., Wu, C. (2015) From Trees to Forest: Relational Complexity Network and Workload of Air Traffic Controllers, Ergonomics, 58(8), 1320-1336 |
An Analysis of Flight Quick Access Recorder (QAR) Data and its Applications in Preventing Landing Incidents | 2014 | 飞行快速存取记录仪(QAR)数据分析及其在预防着陆事故中的应用 | [PDF] | Wang, L., Wu, C*. Sun, R. (2014) An Analysis of Flight Quick Access Recorder (QAR) Data and its Applications in Preventing Landing Incidents, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 127, 86-96 |
Emerging Applications for Cyber Transportation Systems | 2014 | 网络交通系统的新兴应用 | [PDF] | Wagh, A., Hou, Y., Qiao, C., Zhang, L., Li, X., Sadek, A., Hulme, K., Wu, C., Xu, H., and Huang, L. (2014) Emerging Applications for Cyber Transportation Systems, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 29(4), 562-575 |
Online Prediction of Driver Distraction Based on Brain Activity Patterns | 2015 | 基于大脑活动模式的驾驶员分心的在线预测 | [PDF] | Wang, S. Zhang, Y., Wu, C*. Chaovalitwongse, W. (2015) Online Prediction of Driver Distraction Based on Brain Activity Patterns, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System, 16(1), 136-150 |
Navigating Cars in an Unfamiliar Country Using Internet Maps: Effects of Street Languages, Map Orientation Consistency, Gender on Driver Behavior | 2013 | 使用互联网地图在陌生地区驾驶汽车:街道语言、地图方向一致性、性别对驾驶员行为的影响 | [PDF] | Wu, C.* , Zhao, G., Lin, B., & Lee, J (2013) Navigating Cars in an Unfamiliar Country Using Internet Maps: Effects of Street Languages, Map Orientation Consistency, Gender on Driver Behavior, Behaviour & Information Technology, 32(5), 425-437 |
The Effects of Sunshields on Red Light Running Behavior of Cyclists and Electric Bike Riders | 2013 | 遮阳棚对自行车和电动自行车骑行者闯红灯行为的影响 | [PDF] | Zhang, Y., Wu, C.*, (2013) The Effects of Sunshields on Red Light Running Behavior of Cyclists and Electric Bike Riders, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 52, 210-218 |
Effectiveness and Acceptance of the Intelligent Speeding Prediction System (ISPS) | 2013 | 智能车速预测系统(ISPS)的有效性和可接受性 | [PDF] | Zhao, G. and Wu, C.* (2013) Effectiveness and Acceptance of the Intelligent Speeding Prediction System (ISPS), Accident Analysis & Prevention, 52, 19-28 |
The Red-Light Running Behavior of Electric Bike Riders and Cyclists at Urban Intersections in China: An Observational Study | 2012 | 中国城市十字路口电动自行车和自行车骑手的闯红灯行为研究 | [PDF] | Wu, C.*, Yao, L., & Zhang, K. (2012) The Red-Light Running Behavior of Electric Bike Riders and Cyclists at Urban Intersections in China: An Observational Study. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 9, 186-192 |
The Effects of Heavy Drinking and Socio-Economic Status on Sober Driving Behavior | 2010 | 酗酒和社会经济状况对清醒驾驶行为的影响 | [PDF] | Zhao, G., Wu, C.* , Houston, R., and Creager, W. (2010) The Effects of Heavy Drinking and Socio-Economic Status on Sober Driving Behavior, Traffic Injury Prevention, vol 11 (4), 342-352 |
Pedestrians Crossing Behaviors and Safety at Unmarked Roadway in China | 2011 | 非斑马线区域上的行人过路行为和安全 | [PDF] | Zhuang, X. and Wu, C.* (2011) Pedestrians Crossing Behaviors and Safety at Unmarked Roadway in China, Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol 43 (6), 1927-1936 |
The Effects of Driver Identity on Driving Safety in a Retrospective Feedback | 2012 | 回顾性反馈中驾驶员身份对驾驶安全的影响 | [PDF] | Zhao, G. and Wu, C.* (2012) The Effects of Driver Identity on Driving Safety in a Retrospective Feedback, Accident Analysis & Prevention, vol 45, 354-365 |
A Holistic Approach to Service Delivery in Driver-in-the-Loop Vehicular CPS | 2013 | 驾驶员在环车辆CPS服务提供的整体方法 | [PDF] | Li, X., Qiao. C., Wagh, A., Sudhakaar, R., Addepalli, S., Wu, C. and Sadek, A. (2013) A Holistic Approach to Service Delivery in Driver-in-the-Loop Vehicular CPS, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication (IEEE JSAC) |
Young Driving Learners' Intention to Use a Handheld or Hands-free Mobile Phone When Driving | 2009 | 年轻驾驶学员在驾驶时使用手持或免提手机的意向 | [PDF] | Zhou, R., Wu, C., Rau, P. And Zhang, W (2009). Young Driving Learners' Intention to Use a Handheld or Hands-free Mobile Phone When Driving, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 12(3), 208-217 |
P300 Amplitude Reflects Individual Differences of Navigation Performance in a Driving Task | 2012 | P300幅度反映了驾驶任务中驾驶员导航绩效的个体差异 | [PDF] | Ou, B., Wu, C. *, Zhao, G. and Wu, J. (2012) P300 Amplitude Reflects Individual Differences of Navigation Performance in a Driving Task, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol 42(1), 8-16 |
The Safety Margin and Perceived Safety of Pedestrians at Unmarked Roadway | 2012 | 在非斑马线区域行人的安全裕度和安全感知 | [PDF] | Zhuang, X. and Wu, C.* (2012) The Safety Margin and Perceived Safety of Pedestrians at Unmarked Roadway, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, vol 15(2), 119-131 |
Traffic Safety of E-Bike Riders in China: Safety Attitudes, Risk Perception, and Aberrant Riding Behaviors | 2012 | 中国电动自行车骑手的交通安全:安全态度,风险感知和异常骑乘行为 | [PDF] | Yao, L. and Wu, C.* (2012) Traffic Safety of E-Bike Riders in China: Safety Attitudes, Risk Perception, and Aberrant Riding Behaviors, Journal of the Transportation Research Board |
Predictive Models of Safety Based on Audit Findings: Part 1: Model Development and Reliability | 2013 | 基于审计结果的安全预测模型:第1部分:模型开发和可靠性 | [PDF] | Hsiao, Y., Drury, C., Wu, C. and Paquet, V. (2013) Predictive Models of Safety Based on Audit Findings: Part 1: Model Development and Reliability, Applied Ergonomics |
Predictive Models of Safety Based on Audit Findings: Part 2: Model Validation and Applications | 2013 | 基于审计结果的安全预测模型:第2部分:模型验证和应用 | [PDF] | Hsiao, Y., Drury, C., Wu, C. and Paquet, V. (2013) Predictive Models of Safety Based on Audit Findings: Part 2: Model Validation and Applications, Applied Ergonomics |
标题 | 年份 | 描述 | 下载 | 引用 |
Residents' Numeric Inputting Error in Computerized Physician Order Entry Prescription | 2016 | 住院医师电脑医嘱录入处方中的数字输入错误 | [PDF] | Wu, X., Wu, C*., Zhang, K. (2016) Residents' Numeric Inputting Error in Computerized Physician Order Entry Prescription, International Journal of Medical Informatics |
Human Performance Modeling in Temporary Segmentation Chinese Character Handwriting Recognizers | 2003 | 汉字手写识别器时间分割的人的绩效建模 | [PDF] | Wu, C.* , Zhang, K., and Hu, Y. (2003) Human Performance Modeling in Temporary Segmentation Chinese Character Handwriting Recognizers, International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 58, 483-508 |
Factors Affecting Numerical Typing Performance of Young People in a Hear-and-type Task | 2011 | 打字输入任务中,青少年数字打字绩效的影响因素 | [PDF] | Lin, C. and Wu, C.* (2011) Factors Affecting Numerical Typing Performance of Young People in a Hear-and-type Task, Ergonomics, vol 54 (12), 1159-1174 |
Early Detection of Numerical Typing Errors Using Data Mining Techniques | 2011 | 基于数据挖掘技术的数字键入错误早期检测 | [PDF] | Wang, S., Lin, C., Wu, C., and Chaovalitwongse, W. (2011). Early Detection of Numerical Typing Errors Using Data Mining Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (Part A), vol 41 (6), 1199-1212 |
Improved Link Analysis Method for User Interface Design---Modified Link Table and Optimization-based Algorithm | 2010 | 用户界面设计的新链锁分析方法 | [PDF] | Lin, C. and Wu, C.* (2010) Improved Link Analysis Method for User Interface Design---Modified Link Table and Optimization-based Algorithm, Behaviour & Information Technology, vol 29 (2), 199-216 |
Reactions, Accuracy and Response Complexity of Numerical Typing on Touchscreens | 2013 | 触摸屏上数字键入的反应,准确性和响应复杂性 | [PDF] | Lin, C. and Wu, C.* (2013) Reactions, Accuracy and Response Complexity of Numerical Typing on Touchscreens, Ergonomics |
The Influence of Dispositional Mindfulness on Safety Behaviors | 2014 | 特质正念对安全行为的影响 | [PDF] | Zhang, J., Wu, C.* (2014) The Influence of Dispositional Mindfulness on Safety Behaviors, Accident Analysis and Prevention |
The Role, Status, and Current Development of Engineering Psychology | 2011 | 工程心理学的角色,地位和当前发展 | [PDF] | Sun, X., Wu, C., Zhang, L., Qu, W. (2011) The Role, Status, and Current Development of Engineering Psychology, Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011 (6), 650-660 |
The Influence of Individual and Team Cognitive Ability on Operators Task and Safety Performance: A Multilevel Field Study in Nuclear Power Plants | 2013 | 个人和团队认知能力对操作员任务和安全绩效的影响:核电站的多层次现场研究 | [PDF] | Zhang, J., Li, Y., Wu, C.* (2013) The Influence of Individual and Team Cognitive Ability on Operators Task and Safety Performance: A Multilevel Field Study in Nuclear Power Plants, PLOS ONE, 8(12), e84528 (9 pages) |
Predicting Numerical Data Entry Errors by Classifying EEG Signals with Linear Discriminant Analysis | 2015 | 通过线性判别分析对脑电信号进行分类来预测数值数据键入错误 | [PDF] | Lin, C. and Wu, C.* (2015) Predicting Numerical Data Entry Errors by Classifying EEG Signals with Linear Discriminant Analysis, Behaviour & Information Technology, vol 29(2), 199-216 |
Task Complexity Matters: The Influence of Trait Mindfulness on Task and Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Plant Operators | 2013 | 任务复杂性问题:特质正念对核电站操作人员任务和安全绩效的影响 | [PDF] | Zhang, J., Li, Y., Wu, C*. (2013) Task Complexity Matters: The Influence of Trait Mindfulness on Task and Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Plant Operators, Personality and Individual Differences |
Effects of Field Dependence-Independence and Frame of Reference on Navigation Performance Using Multi-Dimensional Electronic Maps | 2016 | 使用多维电子地图时场依存—场独立和参考系对导航绩效的影响 | [PDF] | Li, H., Zhang, Y., Wu, C., Mei, D. (2016) Effects of Field Dependence-Independence and Frame of Reference on Navigation Performance Using Multi-Dimensional Electronic Maps, Personality and Individual Differences, vol97, 289-299 |
Major Factors in Determining Human Performance in Using Handwriting Recognition Systems | 2003 | 决定人在使用手写识别系统时表现的主要因素 | [PDF] | Wu, C.* , Yang, Q., Zhang, K., and Hu, Y. (2003) Major Factors in Determining Human Performance in Using Handwriting Recognition Systems, Chinese Journal of Ergonomics , vol 9(3), 55-57 |
A Developmental Intervention Study on Children's Social Perspective-Taking | 2003 | 儿童社会观点采择的发展干预研究 | [PDF] | Lin, B., Cheng, L., Li, Q., and Wu, C. (2003) A Developmental Intervention Study on Children's Social Perspective-Taking, Psychological Science (China), vol 26(6), 1030-1033 |
Biased Information Sampling in Group Decision Making | 2001 | 群体决策中的有偏信息抽样 | [PDF] | Zheng, Q., Zhu, H., Hu, L., Wu, C., and Ding, Y. (2001) Biased Information Sampling in Group Decision Making, Acta Psychologica Sinica, vol 33(1), 68-74 |
A Review of Usability Evaluation Methods in Human Computer Interaction | 2001 | 人机交互中的可用性评估方法综述 | [PDF] | Wu, C.* (2001) A Review of Usability Evaluation Methods in Human Computer Interaction, Psychological Science (China), vol 6(24), 727-729 |
Inspection Methods in User Interface Usability Evaluation (a): Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison | 2000 | 用户界面可用性评估中的检查方法(a):定性和定量比较 | [PDF] | Wu, C.* and Zhang, K. (2000) Inspection Methods in User Interface Usability Evaluation (a): Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison, Chinese Journal of Ergonomics, vol 6(4), 35-38 |
Inspection Methods in User Interface Usability Evaluation (b): Introduction and Evaluation | 2000 | 用户界面可用性评估中的检查方法(b):介绍和评估 | [PDF] | Wu, C.* and Zhang, K. (2000) Inspection Methods in User Interface Usability Evaluation (b): Introduction and Evaluation, Chinese Journal of Ergonomics, vol 6(3), 54-57 |
When to use vibrotactile displays? A meta-analysis for the role of vibrotactile displays in human–computer interaction | 2022 | 本研究结果为利用振动触觉来优化人机交互效率提供了一定的参考和借鉴意义。本研究采用元分析的方法系统综述了振动触觉在人机交互领域的应用,探讨了振动触觉相较于视觉和听觉通道的价值,以及在视觉听觉通道基础上增加振动触觉的绩效增益。 | [PDF] | Chai, C., Shi, J., Wu, C., Zhou, Y., Zhang, W., Liao, J., (2022) When to use vibrotactile displays? A meta-analysis for the role of vibrotactile displays in human–computer interaction, Applied Ergonomics |
Communication Between Automated Vehicles and Drivers in Manual Driving Vehicles: Using a Robotic Arms to Produce Gestures. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction | 2022 | 本研究结果为人机混合智能下,人和智能系统的意图交流方式的设计和应用提供了借鉴意义。研究主要提出了利用基于手势的机械手臂传达智能系统意图的新型交互方式,通过比较不同机械手臂的挥动速度和人类手臂在人理解智能系统的手势的反应时、正确率和主观偏好上的影响,发现快速挥动(120次/分钟)的机械手臂能产生和人类手臂一样快速和正确的人的反应及积极的主观态度。 | [PDF] | Zhang, W., Wu, C*., You, X., Kust, L., Cheng, Y., Shi J (2022). Communication Between Automated Vehicles and Drivers in Manual Driving Vehicles: Using a Robotic Arms to Produce Gestures. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction |
标题 | 年份 | 描述 | 备注 | 引用 |
Do Type 2 Diabetes Patients Have Declined Driving Performance During Non-Hypoglycemia? A Preliminary Simulated Driving Study | 2017 | II型糖尿病患者在非低血糖期间驾驶能力是否下降?模拟驾驶的初步研究 | | Ma, S. Zhang, J., Zhao, G., Wu, C. (2017) Do Type 2 Diabetes Patients Have Declined Driving Performance During Non-Hypoglycemia? A Preliminary Simulated Driving Study. Human Factors and Ergonomics Annual Meeting, Oct 2017, Austin, TX, USA |
Learns to Integrate Mathematical Models in Human Performance Modeling | 2017 | 学习将数学模型整合到人因绩效建模中 | | Zhang, Y., Wu, C (2017) Learns to Integrate Mathematical Models in Human Performance Modeling. Human Factors and Ergonomics Annual Meeting, Oct 2017, Austin, TX, USA |
A Novel 2D-3D Hybrid Approach to Vehicle Trajectory and Speed Estimation | 2014 | 车辆轨迹和速度估计的新型2D-3D混合方法 | | Chanawangsa, P. Chen, C., Wan, J., Wu, C. (2014) A Novel 2D-3D Hybrid Approach to Vehicle Trajectory and Speed Estimation. 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Qindao, China. |
Enhancing Speed Estimation Accuracy of Electric Bike Riders Through Training | 2014 | 通过培训提高电动自行车车手的速度估算准确性 | | Rui, J. Zhang, J., Zhao, G., Wu, C. (2014) Enhancing Speed Estimation Accuracy of Electric Bike Riders Through Training. 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Qindao, China. |
The effect of driver speed prediction-based battery management system on Li-on battery performance for electric vehicles | 2014 | 基于驾驶员速度预测的电池管理系统对电动汽车锂电池性能的影响. | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Wan, J. and Wu, C. (2014). The effect of driver speed prediction-based battery management system on Li-on battery performance for electric vehicles. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, USA. |
The effects of lead time of verbal collision warning messages on driving performance | 2014 | 言语碰撞告警消息的提前期对驾驶绩效的影响 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Wan, J., Wu, C., & Zhang Y. (2014). The effects of lead time of verbal collision warning messages on driving performance. 21st World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Detroit, USA. |
The effect of autonomous speed control system: an investigation on minimum headway and drivers acceptance | 2014 | 自主速度控制系统的效果:最小行驶距离和驾驶员接受度的调查 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Hou, Y., Wan, J., Zhao, Y., Hulme, K., Wu, C., and Qiao C. (2014). The effect of autonomous speed control system: an investigation on minimum headway and drivers acceptance. 21st World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Detroit, USA. |
Modeling the effect of loudness and semantics of speech warnings on human performances | 2014 | 语音警告的响度和语义对人的绩效影响的建模 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Zhang, Y., Wu, C. (2014). Modeling the effect of loudness and semantics of speech warnings on human performances. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. SAGE Publications, Chicago, IL, USA. |
The application of the human-in-the-loop warning messages notification model in the design of vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication systems | 2014 | 人在环警告消息通知模型在车辆对基础设施(V2I)通信系统设计中的应用 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Zhang, Y., Wu, C. (2014). The application of the human-in-the-loop warning messages notification model in the design of vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication systems. In 21th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Detroit, MI, USA |
Performance Measures of Manual Multi-Modal Traffic Signal Control | 2013 | 人工多模式交通信号控制的绩效指标 | 18 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Ding, N, He, Q., and Wu, C. (2013) Performance Measures of Manual Multi-Modal Traffic Signal Control, Transportation Research Board (TRB) 2014 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. |
Vehicle Speed Control Algorithms for Eco-Driving | 2013 | 环保驾驶的车辆速度控制算法 | 2 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Kundu, S., Wagh, A., Qiao, C., Li, X., Sadek, A., Hulme, K., Wu, C. (2013), Vehicle Speed Control Algorithms for Eco-Driving, The 2nd International Conference on Connected Vehicles (ICCVE 2013), Las Vegas, Nevada, US |
Development and Validation of Warning Message Utility Scale (WMUS) | 2013 | 预警信息效用量表(WMUS)的开发与验证 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Zhang, Y., Wu, C., Wan, J., and Qiao, C. (2013) Development and Validation of Warning Message Utility Scale (WMUS) 2013 International Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, October, 2013, San Diego, California, USA |
The Effects of Image Set Size and Time Pressure on Human Performance and Mental Workload in a Cyber Image Search Task | 2013 | 网络图像搜索任务中图像集大小和时间压力对人的表现和工作负荷的影响 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Zhao, G ., Wu, C., Liu, Yongjing (2013) The Effects of Image Set Size and Time Pressure on Human Performance and Mental Workload in a Cyber Image Search Task 2013 International Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, October, 2013, San Diego, California, USA. |
Addressing Design and Human Factors Challenges in Cyber-Transportation Systems with an Integrated Traffic-Driving-Networking Simulator | 2011 | 使用集成的交通运输网络模拟器解决网络运输系统中的设计和人的因素挑战 | 3 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Qiao, C., Sadek, A., Hulme, K., and Wu, C. (2011) Addressing Design and Human Factors Challenges in Cyber-Transportation Systems with an Integrated Traffic-Driving-Networking Simulator, NSF/NIST/USCAR Workshop on Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems, Troy, Michigan. |
Addressing Human Factors in Electronic Vehicle System Design: Building an Integrated Human-Electric Vehicle Framework | 2011 | 解决电动汽车系统设计中的人的因素:构建人-电动汽车一体化框架 | 6 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Wu, C., Wan, J., and Li, L. (2011) Addressing Human Factors in Electronic Vehicle System Design: Building an Integrated Human-Electric Vehicle Framework, The 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 11), Washington D.C. |
Mathematical Modeling of Average Driver Speed Control with the Integration of Queuing Network-Model Human Processor and Rule-Based Decision Field Theory | 2011 | 人的信息加工排队网络模型与基于规则的决策场理论相结合的驾驶员平均速度控制数学模型 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Zhao, G .and Wu, C. (2011) Mathematical Modeling of Average Driver Speed Control with the Integration of Queuing Network-Model Human Processor and Rule-Based Decision Field Theory, 55th Annual Meeting of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES). Las Vegas, Nevada. |
| 2011 | 人在数字打字任务中的表现 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Lin, C. and Wu, C. (2011) Human Performance in Numerical Hear-and-type Tasks, 55th Annual Meeting of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES). Las Vegas, Nevada. |
. Human Centric Data Fusion in Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems | 2011 | 车载网络物理系统中以人为中心的数据融合 | 6 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Wagh, A., Li, X., Wan, J. Qiao, C., and Wu, C (2011). Human Centric Data Fusion in Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems, The First International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Networking Systems (CPNS). Shanghai, China, April 15, 2011. |
ERP P300 Amplitude reflects human navigation performance in driving | 2009 | 事件相关电位P300波幅反映人类驾驶时的导航绩效 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Ou, B., Wu, C., Lee, J., and Zhao, G (2009). ERP P300 Amplitude reflects human navigation performance in driving, The 53rd Annual Meeting of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Antonio, Texas. |
Detecting Typing Errors in a Numerical Typing Task with Linear Discriminant Analysis of Single Trial EEG | 2009 | 用单试次脑电图线性判别分析检测数字输入任务中的输入错误 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Lin, C. and Wu, C. (2009) Detecting Typing Errors in a Numerical Typing Task with Linear Discriminant Analysis of Single Trial EEG, The 53rd Annual Meeting of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Antonio, Texas. |
The Effects of Binge Drinking and Socio-Economic Status on Sober Driving Behavior | 2009 | 酗酒与社会经济地位对清醒驾驶行为的影响 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Zhao, G., Wu, C., Houston, R., and Creager, W. (2009) The Effects of Binge Drinking and Socio-Economic Status on Sober Driving Behavior, The 53rd Annual Meeting of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Antonio, Texas. |
Queuing Network Modeling of Transcription Typing | 2009 | 转录打字的排队网络建模 | 10 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Wu, C. and Liu, Y. (2009) Queuing Network Modeling of Transcription Typing, CHI Conference, Boston, USA. |
Determine Optimal Interval of In-vehicle Messages in Adaptive Workload Management System using Mathematical Modeling Approaches | 2009 | 用数学建模方法确定自适应工作负荷管理系统中车载消息的最佳间隔 | 10 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Wu, C. (2009) Determine Optimal Interval of In-vehicle Messages in Adaptive Workload Management System using Mathematical Modeling Approaches, 17th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) August, 2009, Beijing, China. |
Improving Link Analysis Method in User Interface Design using a New Computational Optimization Algorithm | 2008 | 一种新的计算优化算法改进用户界面设计中的链路分析方法 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Lin, C., Yu, W., and Wu, C. (2008) Improving Link Analysis Method in User Interface Design using a New Computational Optimization Algorithm, The 52nd Annual Conferences of Human Factors & Ergonomics Annual Meeting, New York City, New York, USA. |
Development of Intelligent Navigation Systems for Chinese Users | 2008 | 面向中国用户的智能导航系统开发 | 9 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Zhao, G., Wu, C., Li, J., Ou, B., and Sun, X. (2008) Development of Intelligent Navigation Systems for Chinese Users, Society of Automobile Engineering (SAE) World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, USA. |
A 3-node Queuing Network Template of Cognitive and Neural Differences As Induced by Gray and White Matter Changes | 2007 | 由灰质和白质变化引起的认知和神经差异的3节点排队网络模板 | 6 pages of conference paper and a poster in the conference | Berman, M., Liu, Y., and Wu, C. (2007). A 3-node Queuing Network Template of Cognitive and Neural Differences As Induced by Gray and White Matter Changes, International Conference of Cognitive Modeling (ICCM) 2007. Ann Arbor, MI, USA. |
Queuing Network Modeling of Driver Workload and Performance | 2006 | 驾驶员工作负荷与绩效的排队网络建模 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Wu, C. and Liu, Y. (2006) Queuing Network Modeling of Driver Workload and Performance, The 50th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Francisco, CA, USA. |
Queuing Network Modeling of a Real-time Psychophysiological Index of Mental Workload---P300 Amplitude in Event-Related Potential (ERP) | 2006 | 工作负荷实时心理生理指标—事件相关电位P300波幅的排队网络建模 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Wu, C. and Liu, Y. (2006) Queuing Network Modeling of a Real-time Psychophysiological Index of Mental Workload---P300 Amplitude in Event-Related Potential (ERP), The 50th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Francisco, CA, USA. |
Queuing Network Modeling of Age Differences in Driver Mental Workload and Performance | 2006 | 驾驶员工作负荷和工作表现年龄差异的排队网络建模 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Wu, C. and Liu, Y. (2006) Queuing Network Modeling of Age Differences in Driver Mental Workload and Performance, The 50th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Francisco, CA, USA. |
Queuing Network Modeling of Reaction Time, Response Accuracy, and Stimulus-Lateralized Readiness Potential Onset Time in a Dual Task | 2006 | 双重任务中反应时间、反应准确度和刺激偏侧化准备时间的排队网络建模 | 6 pages of conference paper and a poster in the conference | Wu, C. and Liu, Y. (2006) Queuing Network Modeling of Reaction Time, Response Accuracy, and Stimulus-Lateralized Readiness Potential Onset Time in a Dual Task, The 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Vancouver, BC, Canada. |
Modeling fMRI BOLD Signal and Reaction Time of a Dual Task with a Queuing Network Modeling Approach | 2006 | 使用排队网络建模方法对双重任务的fMRI粗体信号和反应时间进行建模 | 6 pages of conference paper and a poster in the conference | Wu, C. and Liu, Y. (2006) Modeling fMRI BOLD Signal and Reaction Time of a Dual Task with a Queuing Network Modeling Approach, The 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Vancouver, BC, Canada. |
Learning Simulation through Team Projects | 2005 | 通过团队项目学习仿真 | 6 pages of conference paper and a poster in the conference | Tsimhoni, O., and Wu, C. (2005) Learning Simulation through Team Projects Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando, Kuhl, et al. eds., Orlando, FL, USA. |
Modeling Behavioral and Brain Imaging Phenomena in Transcription Typing with Queuing Networks and Reinforcement Learning Algorithms, Proceedings of | 2004 | 用排队网络和强化学习算法对转录键入得行为和脑成像现象进行建模 | 6 pages of conference paper and a poster in the conference | Wu, C. and Liu, Y. (2004). Modeling Behavioral and Brain Imaging Phenomena in Transcription Typing with Queuing Networks and Reinforcement Learning Algorithms, Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM-2004), Pittsburgh, PA, USA. |
Modeling Human Transcription Typing with QN-MHP (Queuing Network-Model Human Processor), Proceedings of | 2004 | 使用QN-MHP(人的信息加工排队网络模型)对人类转录键入进行建模 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Wu, C. and Liu, Y. (2004). Modeling Human Transcription Typing with QN-MHP (Queuing Network-Model Human Processor), Proceedings of the 48th Annual Conference of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, New Orleans, LA, USA. |
Modeling Psychological Refractory Period (PRP) and Practice Effect on PRP with Queuing Networks and Reinforcement Learning Algorithms, Proceedings of | 2004 | 利用排队网络和强化学习算法建立心理不应期模型及实践效果 | 6 pages of conference paper and a poster in the conference | Wu, C. and Liu, Y. (2004). Modeling Psychological Refractory Period (PRP) and Practice Effect on PRP with Queuing Networks and Reinforcement Learning Algorithms, Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM-2004), Pittsburgh, PA, USA. |
Prediction and Verification of the Human Performance Model in Online Chinese Characters Handwriting Recognizer | 2002 | 在线汉字笔迹识别器中人类绩效模型的预测与验证 | 10 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Wu, C. and Zhang, K. (2002) Prediction and Verification of the Human Performance Model in Online Chinese Characters Handwriting Recognizer, Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (APCHI), Beijing, China. |
Presentation of Visual and Audio Information for Human Computer Interface | 2001 | 人机界面的视听信息呈现 | 5 pages of conference paper and an invited presentation in the conference | Liu, Y., Fu, X., and Wu, C. (2001) Presentation of Visual and Audio Information for Human Computer Interface, Society for Information Display (SID), vol 32(1), 595-597 |